
ż Co-hosts Free Webinar on Off-Road Diesel Developments Facing Construction Industry

Construction equipment is being targeted as a major contributor of air pollution.  All ż Chapters and members are encouraged to participate in a free webinar on December 3 to learn about clean diesel technology, regulations and requirements facing today’s construction industry.  Register online at . The most stringent phase of EPA's national program to reduce emissions from new construction equipment is in effect.  Yet engine manufacturers are still struggling to develop the emission-control technologies needed to meet EPA’s so-called "Tier 4" emission standards, which require an unprecedented 90% reduction in construction exhaust between now and 2014.  To ensure optimum performance of the Tier 4 engine systems, refiners must produce only ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) by 2010.  The new ULSD and equipment will cost contractors more while supply and distribution problems remain on the horizon. In the immediate term, the environmental movement wants to clean up emissions from the large number of existing diesel engines (pre-2007 model year) currently in the field.  The state of California and other entities around the country are forcing contractors to “retrofit” their in-use diesel equipment at their own expense through new state regulations or contract specifications. This webinar will explain options for reducing emissions from your fleet, financial assistance available to help pay for engine upgrades, and how to get involved in your region’s clean diesel policy group. Presenters will also discuss: • EPA’s “Tier 4” Engine and Fuel Requirements • Off-road Retrofit Technology and Potential Funding Assistance • CARB’s Off-road Diesel Retrofit Rule (and challenges to it) • The Use of Diesel Retrofit Contract Requirements To register, visit . For more information, contact Leah Pilconis, senior environmental advisor to ż, at