
House Joins Senate in Lame Duck – Infrastructure Funding Uncertain

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) notified Representatives today that the House will reconvene in lame duck session on Wednesday November 19. The Senate was already scheduled to meet next week and will convene on Monday November 17. It is unclear if either body will consider an economic stimulus bill. Speaker Pelosi apparently has suggested to Senate Majority Leader Reid (D-NV) that the Senate take up the House passed economic stimulus bill which includes infrastructure funding of $34 billion. However, the Senate attempted to pass its own version of an economic stimulus bill prior to the elections but was unable to do so because of resistance from Senate Republicans and the White House. Republican leaders have continued to press for tax cuts to help the economy and have expressed skepticism about whether public works funding would get into the economy quick enough to be effective in stimulating economic activity or creating jobs. Íæż½ã½ã and our construction industry allies continue to point out the significant down turn in non-residential construction activity and to make the case that construction activity can play a significant role in preserving jobs and creating new ones. If you have not done so, please take the time to contact your Congressional delegation through Íæż½ã½ã’s Legislative Action Center. Also please use the attached survey to tell us about the outlook for employment in your state and the impact that increased construction funding would have on your employment outlook.