
ż Submits Recommendations to Army Corps on Regulation Reform

On October 18, ż to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), highlighting the regulatory burden on the construction industry and offered specific program modifications and solutions relating to performing work with USACE. Among ż recommendations are:

  • Merging NEPA/ CWA Section 404 permitting;
  • Reforms to Ease “Chokepoints” in 404 Program;
  • Reforming the Nationwide General Permits: acreage limits and pre-construction notification thresholds;
  • Clarifying and expanding the exemption for work in roadside ditches;
  • Improving USACE partnering with the Construction Industry; and
  • Reforming Safety Officer Accreditations.

ż will continue to advocate for practical and real reforms with the federal agencies and congress. To access ż’s recommendations referenced above, . 

For more information, contact Jordan Howard at or (703) 837-5368 or Leah Pilconis at or (703) 837-5332.