
Íæż½ã½ã Education and Research Foundation Celebrates 2023 Class of Industry Residents

James Jenkins, Purdue University
2023 Industry Resident James Jenkins, Purdue University

In a continued commitment to bridging academia and industry, the Robert L. Bowen Industry Residency program, a partnership between educational institutions, Íæż½ã½ã contractors, and the Íæż½ã½ã Education and Research Foundation, has seen remarkable success since its inception in 2011. This unique initiative has sponsored a total of 49 industry residents, providing educators with invaluable field experience to enrich their teaching methods.

Each educator participating in the program spends several weeks on-site with a construction company, immersing themselves in the day-to-day operations of the industry. The aim is to glean practical insights and knowledge that can be directly applied in their classrooms, enhancing the educational experience for their students. This initiative is made possible through the joint support of the Íæż½ã½ã Education and Research Foundation, the host Íæż½ã½ã member company, and the respective educational institution.

Applications for the Industry Residency opportunity in the summer of 2024 are now open, with the deadline set for December 1, 2023. This presents a unique chance for educators to gain hands-on experience and make a lasting impact on the education of future construction professionals.


The Íæż½ã½ã Education and Research Foundation proudly congratulates the 2023 class of industry residents:

  • Anne Anderson, Roger Williams University/BOND Building Construction
  • Chad Crain, Pittsburg State University/Nabholz
  • Daniel Linares, Florida Gulf Coast University/Manhattan Construction Company
  • James Jenkins, Purdue University/Bowen Engineering Jeff Wilkes, Colorado State University/Kraemer North America

Participation in this program signifies an investment in the future of the construction industry. By providing educators with firsthand professional experience, it enriches their ability to prepare students for the demands of the field. Furthermore, host companies benefit from the contributions of these dedicated educators, gaining valuable assistance on projects and the potential for constructive feedback on management processes.

For further inquiries about the program, details and frequently asked questions, please contact Paige Packard, Program Director at Íæż½ã½ã Education and Research Foundation, via email at
