
حوإ¼½م½م helped to focus attention on National Work Zone Awareness Week, April 22-28, with the release of the results of a survey of members and through participation in a National media event in St. Louis. حوإ¼½م½م’s Highway and Transportation Division Chairman Tom Brown reported at a news conference in San Diego that 400 contractors responded to the survey with 68 percent indicating that there were vehicle crashes in their work zones in the past year with 28% reporting workers were injured and another 18% indicating there was at least one worker fatality. Respondants also said more than 50 percent of work zone crashes injure vehicle operators or users, and 15 percent of those crashes kill them.
Sixty-eight percent of the nation’s highway contractors had motor vehicles crash into their construction work zones during the past year, according to the results of a new highway work zone study conducted by the Associated General Contractors of America.آ  Association officials added that the study found those work zone crashes are more likely to kill construction workers than they are to kill vehicle operators or passengers.
Despite the lack of authorizing legislation, nevertheless the Senate Appropriations Committee today approved funding for transportation programs for FY 2013 which begins October 1, 2012.
By a vote ofآ 293-127, the House approved HR 4348, a 90 day extension of the surface transportation programs through Sept. 30, 2012. The legislation will act as a vehicle to conference with the Senate on a longer term transportation reauthorization bill. H.R. 4348 was amended on the House floor to include the environmental streamlining provisions from H.R. 7, the American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act, the five year comprehensive transportation reauthorization bill that was reported from the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee earlier this year but was lacking sufficient support for passage on its own.
Following the 2012 حوإ¼½م½م Federal Contractors Conference, the next opportunity to tell Congress to “Make Transportation Job #1â€‌ is at the Transportation Construction Coalition’s 2012 Legislative fly-In.آ  As is apparent from the inability of Congress to complete action on longer term transportation reauthorization legislation, the transportation construction industry must continue to make the case that the time to act is now.
حوإ¼½م½م Senior Vice President Paul Diederich presented حوإ¼½م½م testimony today at a hearing held by the Senate Budget Committee concerning the impact short-term extensions of the transportation authorization have on the highway construction industry and infrastructure investment.
Last week President Obama signed into a law a 90 day extension of the federal surface transportation programs.آ  As reported last week (link to last weeks CLWIR), Congress passed the 9 extension of SAFETEA-LU before leaving Washington for a two week recess. When the House and Senate return to session on April 16, there will be continued focus on passing a bill.آ 
حوإ¼½م½م annually participates in the National Work Zone Awareness Week to highlight the dangers to construction workers and motorists from not obeying speed limits and not being alert in highway construction work zones. This year’s National Work Zone Awareness Week is scheduled for April 22-28, 2012, with the theme “Don’t Barrel Through Work Zones.â€‌ حوإ¼½م½م will also participate in a National event in St. Louis, Missouri on April 23, 2012 to accentuate the message.
A half day Civil, Industrial, and Utilities VDC Forum will be held on April 24th in conjunction with the April 25-26 BIMForum in San Antonio, Texas. This session will feature implementations of BIM and VDC on Highway, Road, Bridge, Utility, Treatment Plants, and Power Distribution projects. These projects will show the potential of BIM and VDC to realize substantial financial and schedule savings. Presentations will focus on the use of BIM and VDC to enhance work flow, minimize schedules, increase safety, provide a better end product, and increase field productivity.
Facing expiration of the latest extension of transportation authorization on March 31, the House and Senate today passed a 90-day extension (the 9th) allowing for funding of the highway and transit programs and collection of the federal motor fuels taxes (the gas tax) to continue through the end of June. The bill will now go to the president who is expected to sign it before the current extension expires.